One of the standard claims is that of determining one’s origin in a society of sexual frivolities. While the mother is pretty obvious, the father is such a situation is nothing short of an estimated guess. Although this was before the age of Mendel(father of Genetics) it is not hard to realise that a child will share some traits of the father. But this is still a knowledgeable guess at best and in the doubting dungeon of the human mind it may as well not be. So with the rise of patriarchal societies, dominating men with an urge to know and pass on an inheritance to their progeny could have very well been the founding stone in the institution of marriage.
Moving forward, to the present day where marriage is legally recognised by governments and societies across the world. We are at a turning point in the history of marriage as we are reforging marriage to fit into the changing ideals of society. Marriage is to no longer be defined as a legal union of opposite sexes but instead a legal union of two humans. Agreed that there are many that reject marriage altogether, I am simply taking the legal viewpoint.
Following the current trend, it is not hard to see that we as a society are at a point where we will fundamentally reconstruct the concept of a marriage. The next variable in the definition of marriage is naturally the unsuspecting number ‘two’. If not already, we will soon be at a stage where this legal union will open up to exclude additional members. This is where I put forward my motion of being allowed to marry myself.
Although this seems to be a move of an ultra self obsessed narcissist let me defend my point. In the world where we are moving towards an era of freedom of sexual identity, there is a less known variant of asexuality with a complete lack of sexual orientation or interest in anything remotely sexual. This is even barring the notion of an autosexual attracted to oneself or an objectophile attracted to inanimate objects. Other contenders being Necrophilia and Ophidiophilia.
In the liberties of equal opportunity I claim the legal right to not be discriminated against based on my sexual orientation. Thus allowing me to avail all legal benefits from the institution of marriage. The benefits include taxation benefits, ability to adopt children, housing and ration to name a few.
This absurdity is not without some remote precedence. It is a rare but known occurrence where individuals are allowed to marry dead bodies. This was seen during a dam break in France which wiped out a large part of the population. An usual reason for the same is to ensure that a child is legal after a father passes away.
If one believes that the institution of marriage is for the continuation of the human race, then in legal terms a married couple not capable of reproducing should be legally separated as well. In that case the only remaining option is to annul marriage fully and thus help ‘Big Brother’ equality prevail.
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